Friday, June 25, 2010

kindhearted friends

social networking is best means in reaching out...a while ago i had a conversation with a dear friend and God is so good that she sponsor one schedule for the feeding of these kids...this act of kindness is truly appreciated...thanks to alma.

another, a worthy celebration...our friend julie ann will be celebrating her birthday with the kids she pledged Php 1,000 for the upcoming feeding...our will see the difference...and its something that you will remember for a lifetime.

make your move now...we can make a change...we we can share.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

feed the kids

originally named "tabang cbh", however, after soliciting ideas from my associates and friends it turned out to be "feed the kids" this idea was so perfect since we are so inclined for the welfare of the kids...thanks to richard, it was him who actually gave the name for the month we will be selecting officers so that tasks will be delegated accordingly...since we are accepting pledges and donations from generous individuals we want to make sure that transparency prevail...this will give credibility among our benefactors...please spread this advocacy...we are strongly working to a hunger free community...we are an independent group, we are not affiliated to any political party or figure...this group believes that you don't need to be a politician or businessman or rich to make a change...please help... ~dvo~

Monday, June 21, 2010


the members of the organization genuinely thanking the people who shared their time and shows generosity in their own little way...richard lenham, joy labandero, nanele suerte, josiel narciso, rhodora resma, christina, eva, charton, danny, benjamin and the people of barangay basak and cebu business hotel...we thank you for your cordial support...thank you so much! ~dvo~

feeding schedule

next feeding schedule:
18 July 2010, Barangay Pari-an, Cebu City
9am : Barangay Hall

be part of this worthwhile advocacy. for your donations please contact nanele suerte at 2556010 loc 108, cebu business hotel...please encourage more volunteers so we can serve better. ~dvo~

barangay panaghiliusa

Sunday, June 20, 2010

feeding - barangay panaghiliusa

created in the spirit of eradicating hunger...this advocacy starts in promoting and encouraging more youths to be more sensitive in our community, composed of compassionate individuals whose objective is to eradicate hunger and promote welfare among the less fortunate brothers; the organization pay attention specifically for the kids. be a volunteer...your help counts, we can make a change! big or small it doesn't matter what is important we adhere the organization objectives. ~dvo~