Tuesday, September 28, 2010

feeding schedule

hi guys....next feeding schedule will be a little extra special...i am celebrating my birthday at one of the charity institution (to be announce soon) here in cebu...i am inviting you to join us in giving fun and food for these kids...mark your calendar:
october 10, 2010
, a day before my natal day :)and barangay feeding will resume on october 31st at barangay fatima-duljo...see you guys ~dvo~

Monday, September 27, 2010

barangay panagiusa feeding pics

barangay panagiusa feeding pics

barangay panagiusa feeding pics

barangay panaghiusa feeding

back to our first adopted barangay...kids are as excited as we are...this time they knew that we do our regular feeding once a month in their barangay...the very objective of the program is to eradicate hunger in the community focusing with kids, however, it changes and we are almost catering to all...the group hopes to give at least some lectures on hygiene and sanitation, community building and shape better foundation of faith :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

feeding schedule - barangay panahiusa

this coming sunday we are scheduled again to feed the kids in barangay panaghiusa one of the two adopted barangays of "feed the kids cebu"...we would appreciate if you can pledge donations for the feeding program so can serve more kids...just this morning i had a very lengthy conversation with one of the ex-ofw from canada and i shared to her this advocacy...she will be spreading this program in canada to help raise money for the said program...the feed the kids praying for this...~dvo~

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ftk duljo-fatima feeding

ftk duljo-fatima feeding

ftk duljo-fatima feeding

ftk duljo-fatima feeding

another duljo-fatima feeding schedule :) as always we were as excited in this barangay, the response...overwhelming...not only kids but also senior citizens...kids came in different sizes wearing their smiles :)

the group has finally decided to consider barangay duljo-fatima as one of the official adopted barangay for its feeding program...please help share a portion of your blessing...more donations more kids to feed...we can make a difference...start now!